Strategy Factory
The strategy-factory
subcommand allows interaction with the Strategy Factory contract.
Create a new strategy
In which:
user-key-name - name of the key in the keyring to use for contract execution
token - the address of the CW20 token to be used in the strategy
pauser/unpauser - the address that will be allowed to pause/unpause the strategy
Updates the strategy factory
In which:
user-key-name - name of the key in the keyring to use for contract execution
new-owner - new owner of the Strategy Factory
code-id - the code-id of the new contract
Block tokens to be used in strategies.
In which:
user-key-name - the name of the key in the keyring to use for contract execution
tokenN - token to be blacklisted
Transfers the ownership of the Strategy Factory contract to a new address
In which:
user-key-name - the name of the key in the keyring to use for contract execution
new-owner-address - the new address to transfer the ownership of strategy factory
Queries if a token is blacklisted
In which:
token - the token to be convened about
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