Wallet Guide


SatLayer recommends having the below wallets and tools for development.

  • Babylon CLI is the primary low level developer tool used to interact with the Babylon Chain, everything from creating, exporting, and recovering wallets, to querying on-chain data and signing transactions.

  • Leap Wallet is one of the most flexible and developer friendly browser extension wallets compatible with Cosmos chains. The GUI is simple, and is supported by our Devnet Explorer.

  • SatLayer CLI is command line tool to interact with SatLayer core contracts. With this tool, users can register BVS,/Operators, stake tokens, claim rewards, perform queries and some other operation.

Babylon CLI

Creating a New Address

To create a new address, use the babylond command and run:

babylond keys add my-operator

In this example, we’ve named the wallet my-operator. After creating the wallet, babylond will display the BIP39 mnemonic phrase in the console. Save this phrase in a secure place; it is essential for wallet recovery and for accessing the same key from other devices. The default keyring-backend is os.

Importing Address From BIP39

If you already have a wallet and want to use it for your operator account, you can import it by entering your BIP39 mnemonic. To do so, run:

babylond keys add my-operator --recover

babylond will prompt you for your BIP39 mnemonic. Enter the phrase exactly as it is, press Enter, and your key should be successfully imported.

Importing Address From Hex

If you exported and saved your keys as a hex, you can import it by entering the below command.

babylond keys import-hex

SatLayer CLI

You can directly use SatLayer CLI, it will create default config file in your computer "{$HOME}/.config/satlayer/config.toml". It can read the babylon default directory to access your private keys. It's safe to use and won't upload to anywhere. View the doc to config SatLayer CLI.

NOTICE: if you want to use other config file, please set SATLAYER_CONFIG environment variable.

Leap Wallet

Adding SatLayer Devnet

Follow the below steps to add SatLayer's Devnet to Leap Wallet, allowing you to see Devnet native tokens (BBN) and submit Devnet transactions to the SatLayer Devnet.

  1. Install Leap Wallet in browser through this website: leap wallet

  2. Click the button circled in red in the upper right corner

  1. Next, the wallet will pop up a new page. You can search some blockchains or add a custom blockchain through the + button:

  1. Finally, add the SatLayer Devnet using the Devnet details on this page. Once you've saved the config you'll be able to use the SatLayer Babylon Devnet from your Leap wallet!

Chain Id: sat-bbn-testnet1
Chain Name: SatLayer Babylon Testnet
New RPC URL: https://rpc.sat-bbn-testnet1.satlayer.net
New REST URL: https://lcd1.sat-bbn-testnet1.satlayer.net
Address Prefix: bbn
Native Denom: ubbn
Coin Type: 118
Decimals: 6
Explorer URL: https://devnet.satlayer.xyz/satlayer-babylon-testnet

Adding CW20 Token

Add CW20 Token by clicking on the Gears button:

Afterwards, you will enter into a new page, click this + button:

  1. Configure the new CW20 token:

Simply in the contract address of the CW20 token and details like denomination, decimals and it's name will be filled automatically. For example, a test token on our devent:


Exporting Private Keys as Hex-Encoded

  • Inside Leap Wallet Click the setting button as follows:

  • Click Export Private Key button to export private key

Importing Keys From Babylon CLI

If you’ve created keys with babylond and want to use them in Leap Wallet, follow these steps:

  1. Open Leap Wallet.

  2. Go to the wallet section and click "Import using recovery phrases."

  3. Paste in your saved BIP39 mnemonic phrase.

  4. You can also import using private key by babylond keys export --unarmored-hex --unsafe <keyName> , you'll get hex-encoded private key, and import it into Leap Wallet.

Your keys will now be accessible in Leap Wallet, allowing for convenient, GUI-based management.

Last updated